How can I check my account history?
Whether you want to see how much you've deposited or withdrawn, how much you've won from promotions or the results of games you've recently played, you can check all of these in the My Account section of the website. Below is a bit of information on each of the history sections and what you're able to check:
Gaming History
You can access your Gaming History by clicking here. Here you're able to view the results of all of your recent games played. You'll be presented with a few options which you can use to filter a specific wager.
By default you'll be shown your wagers on 'All Games' for 'Today' but you can change both of these drop down menus to show a specific game type for any period in the last 3 months. When changing these filters, you'll also be presented with the total amount that you've wagered and your 'Net Win' for the given game type and period (Net Win is calculated by your total win amount minus your total wager).
You can also request up to 12 months worth of Gaming History by contacting our 24/7 Customer Support team using the 'Live Chat' icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.
Payment History
You can access your Payment History by clicking here. Here you're able to view all of the deposits made to and withdrawals made from Bally Casino.
By default you'll be shown your Deposits in the last 7 days, but you can toggle between Deposits and Withdrawals and also change the time filter to view transactions over the last 12 months. You'll also see "Lifetime Net Deposits" at the top of the window which is calculated by subtracting your total Withdrawals from your total Deposits.
Reward History
For everything promotion related, you can view your Reward History by clicking here. You'll be able to view all of the promotions and rewards you've received over the last 90 days by simply changing the drop down menu and selecting a period.
If you're unable to see a promotion that you've recently taken part in, it could simply be that the reward hasn't been credited yet. We aim to credit all promotions by 7PM the day after a promotion has ended. You can find specifics on crediting times and dates on the promotions themselves though.
If you would like to see your reward history going back further than 90 days, or you have any queries about the information shown, you can contact our 24/7 Customer Support Team by clicking the 'Live Chat' icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.